Multi-player tournament system added in LuckyFish slot game

36d8290Lucky Fish has launched a multi-tournament feature in their popular slot game, OMG! Fortune. This all-new feature allows players to compete against each other and win huge prizes.

The popular slot game, which has its beginnings on Facebook and then later, was adopted in the mobile platform for both Android and iTunes, currently has about 8 million players.

And with over 81 million players on social media games, the tournament is bound to be really exciting and fun.

The jackpot prize for the tournament is cumulative and the game played in real time.  The tournament system also includes a special feature called “Lucky Jackpot.”

Once activated, it will be randomly given to one of the tournament’s players.  This way, every player gets a chance to win something even if they don’t place in the actual tournament.


The new tournament system for OMG! Fortune was released initially on Facebook last July 15.  It is set to be released on Google Play and iOS app in the next coming weeks.

OMG! Fortune was created and developed in-house.  It is based on cloud, real-time technology with enhanced animation which will also be used in other Lucky Fish games in the future.

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